The Devils Teeth (Tungeneset) covered in warm colors at sunset on Senja

The snake - Aurora Borealis lighting up Senja / Norway

Colorful houses of Trondheim / Norway

The historic wharf houses in Trondheim

Musk ox in Dovrefjell watching closely

Colorful houses of Trondheim on a cold February afternoon / Norway

A herd of female musk oxen and calves at Dovrefjell National Park

Aurora illuminating Senja in vibrant colors of green and purple

Segla in warm afternoon light / Senja

A lone musk ox in Dovrefjell National Park

The first sighting of Aurora Borealis at Fjellheisen

Blue hour over Tromsø seen from Fjellheisen / Northern Norway

Reflection of the Devils Teeth in a tide pool at Senja / Norway

Crushing waves at Tungeneset / Norway

Incoming - Aurora over Senja / Norway

Sunset at Tungeneset / Senja

The snow face - male musk ox in Dovrefjell National Park